Thursday, April 9, 2015


                                                    Religion About The Olmecs!!!
  1. The mysterious Olmec civilization prospered in Pre-Classical (Formative) Mesoamerica from c. 1200 BCE to c. 400 BCE and is generally considered the forerunner of all subsequent Mesoamerican cultures such as the Maya and Aztecs.Aug 30, 2013  From 1400 BC to 400 BC, the Olmec civilization flourished in the territory currently occupied by Mexico on the south part of the Gulf Coast. For many reasons, the culture of the Olmecs is considered to be the mother of all the Mesoamerican cultures.The Olmec grew maize, beans, squash, manioc, sweet potato, as well as cotton. Fruits and vegetables were supplemented with fish, turtle, snake, and mollusks from the nearby rivers, and crabs and shellfish in the coastal areas. Birds were available as food sources, as were game including peccary, oppossum, raccoon, rabbit, and in particular deer. Despite the wide range of hunting and fishing available, midden surveys have found that the domesticated dog was the single most plentiful source of animal protein. Since nearly all clothing has been destroyed over the past two thousand years - it is hard to say what the Olmecs wore. Researchers found however, that the men wore loincloths or a skirt and some sort of cloak while the women wore skirts and bodices. The women (which is still not uncommon for today’s Indian society) often went with their breasts bared. Considering that certain terrain was rocky, sandals were most likely worn. People also wore bracelets, necklaces, and other decorative paraphernalia along with piercings in their nasal septum. Of course, there were also headdresses and turbans also worn by the appropriate officials
  2. Link:

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